Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Last nights review just hit! BOOM !   I'm on my way to finishing, Polishing has begun, I finally got what I've always been wanting notes, notes, and more notes. At first I was beginning to get let down that I just seemed to be doing everything right and I"m thinking IT's A TRAP
But right off the back My instructor told me, "No more praising now you're gonna get it!"
  .......I LIKE THAT

Time for the juicy part of class. I see how Marlon teaches. I'm feeling his workflow and it is very interesting. Once blocking, story, staging, and splining are set. he sets up his critique in small sections of the scene,
My shot is 302 frames, so maybe 50 frames a piece? nAAAAAA
Instead Marlon focuses on each beat of the shot, notes about what can be improved and what you can do to lead into the next beat. This is the same way Malcon had explained to me about the energy . curve liek previously mentioned.
Then he'll put all the pieces together to get an overall feel of how the shot can be plused and presented.  In my this case I have a piece that is pushed more into the cartoony realm of physics and my biggest note was to find the spots that can be  exaggerated, like big vowels and posing.
-more head jesters
-bigger antics
-wide eyes. Etc...
And it's freaking exciting I have a more stylized shot!
The biggest challenge I'm sure will be how to properly break and model Jack's rig
I need to  keep him on model and push just enough to keep it from looking crazy. One of Marlons biggest notes is to keep the character on model and he gives us a chart with model sheets in order to do this. I'll be doing a lot of emailing with him this weekend I'm sure.  Also I have acquired Hotel T and T 2  for reference. I love to study other animations as well as great films, get inspired, then work my ass off.  I also got permission to start on my next shot.  Dam, not even 4 weeks in and I got the green to think about my next shot. Can't slow down now, My previs classes I had produced a total of 2  strong shots because I took my time. I heard legends of people who have produced 3 during one term. Sounds Next Gen son!!  The Challenge intrigues me. I never thought I would get through this shot so fast but Marlon's flow is speed,  teaching me to be faster and to push forward when things work. My time at Reel FX I got pushed into the deep in with shots for my first feature and yes the crunch is real and if you don't keep up it will trample you with attention and not the good kind. This class is teaching me time management and persistence.  Can't slow down now.   I am currently looking for my next piece and this one's going to be more serious and intense ,but for now I'm going to enjoy this week, breaking my character, getting feedback, adding some fun and searching for my next shot. Stay tooned

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