Friday, April 1, 2016

Teary eyed surprise!

Today I have ended my search I have poured a bucket of tears With
every click, some weak ones some strong ones, and one that was
incredible. The most extreme tear jerker for me that I found was
Shaliene Woodley in Divirgent. The movie is not great, passable to say
the least, but spoiler (someone close to her bites it) and her
reaction is heart crushing! Way to intense to be animated for now.

my time is passed, the production side of me has called quits for
audio hunting. There is still so much more I want to study and explore
but watching dead films and top 10s all the day is a waste of time and
boring. I have to draw the line.
Im not saying that I haven't picked some good audio clips,
I want my new shot as perfect as I can get it, and That's my problem Reality is
it's not going to be the next Pixar piece, it's not going to be the most
amazing piece ever, it will only be as good as I prepare for it.

I was listening to John Lasseters lecture
the other day and he shared with us what his buddy Andrew Stanton
always says "be quick to fail ". This is a great reminder for me not
to get ahead of myself like I did in previous classes, just because I
happen to have a decent piece that worked the first time ,
doesn't mean I know what the hell in doing now.
I'm terrified that I will screw this up. So I will be quick to fail hard in
establishing my shot.
Sad scenes are tough for actors to pull off, Well dam try to create
that performance with a 3D character. That is our challenge as animators is to
keep pushing and capturing a moment the audience can identify with.
Lucky me to have kept searching because I found
one very unexpected clip that hit my heart from the most least
expected movie. This one was definitely the favorite out of my
selections. The more I concentrated on it, the more it connected
with what's going on in my life right now. I'm emotionally
attached and devoted to this clip and already have a story set up for
it. My email is sent and asking for confirmation, still waiting to
hear for it by tomorrow. Hope soon so I can start shooting reference
and blocking. Here's hoping to early tomorrow! until then I will study
layout shots, facial acting, the science of crying and more
leyendecker Art.