Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Brad Faucheux Winter Demo Reel 2015 from Brad Faucheux on Vimeo.

Updated Demo Reel, Off to CTN with a update demo, Just added a few shots I have been hard
at work on over the past few months, Have a look.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The two hero shots I animated on The Book of Life 
Both of these shots wiz by in a second during two very pinnacle parts of the film. You would have to pause and rewind to show your family in friends." I animated that person and those guys! " Did you laugh? Did you get the joke? did you understand that I worked on that for 7 days ?? .  With cheeky smiles and nodding heads the biggest uttered word in the room was, "Cute" followed by "Cool", followed by, "what did you draw?"  Facepalm  

Yes it's hard to explain these real in depth topics when you just saw a flash on the screen. I was put on Book of Life as a background animator during the whole production. Meaning I did majority of the characters you see moving behind the characters you are suppose to be focusing on. I so badly wanted to do hero characters and would constantly ask for anything I could get a hold of. Through the cracks I got two that I could call my own. These guys are super short and super fast, but at the time I was like a kid at Christmas animating these shots. 

After every big project or production artists all over will make a demo reel to show what they contributed to the project. Obviously this is one of the most vital parts of working in the industry because this is your work! So what do you do with a short but sweet hero shot that only appears for half a second? Thanks to GIFS and the craft of repeating one shot over and over again I can show you my hero shots in the way I would like them to be displayed to clients, recruiters, supervisors, directors, and other animators. Not as some quick flash on my demo reel that would bring up questions  but as the way we animators watch our shots on a daily basis so you can see each character, their personality, and many of details that appear within a cut of the film. 

My hope is to show any shot no matter how small can bring alot of personality to the movie or project at hand. And also wanted to show my shots because being so quick and fast they don't appear on my reel. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My first stab at TV paint, So much I’m learning about this software it’s crazy. Here’s some WIP of a winter knight. I been geeking out hard on Game of Thrones lately and wanted to try out a character run. 2D takes sooo much longer than a prepared 3D rig. But this exercise has forced me to learn shape, silhouette,  and how to create dimension for a character.  Most of all it has buried my head back into sketching, life drawing, studying form and posing. All that I have been in serious need of because my drawings suck!  Background and color  I hope will come soon when I figure out all that  this software has to offer. If anybody has some good tips please let me know. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hare Rig Run from Brad Faucheux on Vimeo.

A animated test I did with this creative rig created by Arman Musovic
Arman has made this rig available to everyone,
Rig here

Animating an old piece with more polish and more notes, I added some sound for added feels.